In partnership with Friends of Zoka and West Nile Press Association, the team conducted a capacity-building training for 20 journalists from the Ma’di Sub Region on Media Ethics and Media Laws in Laropi Town Council, Moyo District.
In partnership with Overcomers Women Activists, the team conducted a Media Literacy training in Adjumani Town Council, Adjumani District for the staff of the Community Based Organization on Public Relations and Communications Management.
In partnership with the Youth Empowerment Foundation, the team conducted media literacy training on fact-checking, media ethics, media laws, and public speaking for 15 refugee youth in Pagirinya Refugee Settlement.
Participated in Fact-Checking training by Debunk Media Initiative convened in Gulu District in partnership with Northern Uganda Media Club.
The team also conducted an exchange visit with the Northern Uganda Media Club (NUMEC) since the idea of the organization came from the NUMEC Innovators Community 2022. Later, we partnered to do a story on ‘Climate Change and Gender Based Violence’.
Participated in Safe Sisters Fellowship 2023 Cohort 13 convened by Defend Defenders in Kampala City on Digital Security, Advocacy, and Physical Security.
Part of the Women-led Community Based Organizations Network for Adjumani District.
Held a breakfast meeting with Hon. Dr. Bhoka George Didi- Member of Parliament, Obongi District, and Publicity Secretary Ma’di Parliamentary Forum.
Celebrated World Press Freedom Day 2023 through a football match between Adjumani District Local Government and Journalists from Ma’di Sub Region, radio talk shows, and a dinner.
Participated in a training on how to conduct SRHR Media Advocacy organized by FAWE under the SHARE Project.
Participated in the #SheLeadsMedia fellowship for female journalists from East Africa (April – August 2024). Undertook the Data Story Telling Course and did a story on ‘Mental Health and Refugees Women’.
Held a consultative meeting on revamping the Aulogo Media Association
Celebrated World Press Freedom Day 2024 with early-career journalists to share experiences and best practices in the industry.
Participated in a training on the Productive Use of Solar Energy organized by the African Centre for Media Excellence (ACME).
Participated in TOT Training on Digital and Physical Security for Women Human Rights Defenders organised in Gulu City by Defend Defenders.